Fall Celebration Sunday

Join us on September 8 for our Fall Celebration Sunday. We’ll worship outdoors in the south garden at 10:30 am, weather permitting, and then celebrate afterward with a block party and ministry fair. Enjoy a taco bar lunch, a bounce water house, fresh root beer (straight from the keg!), fellowship, and fun! 

Members and friends! If your last name begins with A-N, please bring a dessert to share; O-Z, please bring a salad—enough to feed your family plus 10 others. Invite your neighbors and friends! All are welcome!

As part of this year’s Fall Celebration, we will again enjoy a Ministry Fair. This is an opportunity for lay leadership groups to share with both the congregation and visitors about what individual boards, committees, and groups do, as well as how people might go about volunteering and/or getting involved.

We hope to see you here!